RCK Accountants

Renton Crook-King in the RCK office

RCK ACCOUNTANTS is a Chartered Accounting Firm located in Goombungee, 35 minutes Northwest of Toowoomba, and has a dedicated skilled team to cater for individuals through to small/medium size businesses. We work with all types of business throughout Queensland and the Northern Territory.

Our aim is to provide a personalised service and we are passionate about our relationship with our clients. We aim to listen first and advise second, this enables us to provide solutions to your individual circumstances and requirements.

If you’re looking to engage in a professional and personalised service, RCK Accountants will help you on your journey to a better vision of where you are, where you could be and how to get there.

Limited liability by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation.

Resource: www.rckaccountants.com.au/index.php Printed: 2025-01-14
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